Dear Creator,
I’d like to take you on a journey through the last 25 years of my life in a way that enriches and benefits your life.
Contained within my story are simple yet priceless lessons that I’ve learned. They are emphasized with bold, underlines, and headlines.
The lessons contained on this page have brought me prosperity in all areas of my life, which includes financial freedom, relationships, art and creativity, family, and a loving mission and purpose in life, helping others to achieve the same true love.
It is a beautiful place to be when you rely not on external support, but rather within, the way the creator designed us to live. The good news is that we live in a beautiful time and more so than ever before, we have the ability to find our own version of love faster and easier than ever before and them expressed in the outser aspects of life be it people, art or environment.
I feel deep within my heart that I am living exactly how I love to live and I would love to, in some shape or form, inspire you to do the same. I have full faith that you can, no matter what the circumstances “appear” to hint at, live your ideal life on your own terms.
Isn’t that what we all want to do with our lives? To genuinely and authentically live our true love, representing life in an artistic way?
On top of the many stories that I share in my videos of life experiences, I trust you’ll find this bio informative and relatable to you and your visions.
It’s the story of how I came to be where I am right now. This is a condensed version, but it’s going to give you a bit of insight into how I think and see reality in a way that benefits you. I trust you’ll find this very insightful because my hunch is that you and I are a lot alike.
This story started in 1997. I was introduced to the world of the internet at the time. And being very entrepreneurial as I was, I realized that the internet was a fantastic opportunity to express my entrepreneurial spirit for the first time.
I first started by observing the trends of what the other businesses out there were doing using the internet. The ones that piqued my initial interest were in the world of MP3s. The MP3 world was controversial at the time, but I found it fascinating.
I was fascinated enough that I took action and started my very own file serving business, where I got paid by generating traffic to a website. They would pay me up to $0.25 for every visitor I sent them.
By studying others who were already doing it, I figured out that it was very easy and scalable to ask somebody to visit a website in exchange for giving them the MP3s they were looking for. Back then, MP3s were new and most people did not know that they existed.
However, the word was spreading fast. People were increasingly turning to the internet to obtain digital versions of their favourite songs. In business, “positioning” is important.
I launched my small business, and within a few days, I started making money doing this over and over again, scaling it to higher levels using automation software.
I eventually stopped because I realized MP3s were not something I wanted to deal with in the long term due to regulations, and if they found out that they were sending money to a 17-year-old, that probably would not sit well either.
This was something I never shared with my parents for obvious reasons, so I had to go to the bank and open up my first bank account on the down low. I never had a bank account before. My family taught me to love and many other things, but money was always a challenge, and so my education about money came from elsewhere.
I remember when I was a kid getting made fun of and bullied by kids who would not want to be around me because I did not have Nike shoes, flashy BMX bikes, designer clothes etc. These events kicked off self-esteem issues, which I later resolved using the information I share.
Upon having cleansed myself now from the low self-esteem programming, I realized that I was the one that created the thinking patterns that were not true to me. I was the one who allowed myself to identify with thoughts of “I can’t do it” or “I am not good enough.” Upon letting go of that programming, I learned to listen to myself and trust my intuition, which I would find was always right.
So, although the business needed to be dismantled, it did give me a glimpse into myself and a realization of my entrepreneurial spirit. At a later point in my life, this experience became the key reference point for the realization that I was in fact a true entrepreneur at heart. As mentioned, it was a personality trait that I felt I battled with in my earlier life because I’d allow others to talk me out of it, denying who I really am.
Having made peace with this and now, looking back, I am actually glad those kids were that way to me and that I was not born into a family of financial literacy. It shaped me into who I am today, and I love the life I live today. I learned many things, which I now enjoy sharing on my YouTube channel so that others won’t have to go through the same challenges.
So over the years that followed, I never went back nor revisited other ways that I could build a business using the Internet, only because I didn’t have the degree of trust in my “intuition” that I now possess.
I don’t like to live with regrets, but sometimes I do wonder how my growth rate would have been if I only stayed focused during this time when hardly anyone was using the Internet to build a business…
(Lesson #1: Stay focused on going deep with what you have right now. It is your “acres of diamonds” which are mined by listening to your “intuition”).
What ended up happening instead was that I just went down the route of getting into the world of warehouse jobs. I wasn’t really interested in school, so I didn’t do very well at it. In fact, I hated it.
I felt most of the stuff they taught me there appeared to have little practical application in the world I was interested in, the world of entrepreneurship. Except maybe math, but even then, I was never taught how to use math to make/save/invest money, something I learned on my own at a later time in my life.
After working warehouse job after warehouse job, I realized that I should use some of my computer experience to land a job that I would actually enjoy doing.
One of my friends got me a job working at a large retailer’s warehouse in the year 2000. The Fortune 500 company was TJX, the Canadian division called Winners Merchants Inc. I noticed that they had postings for technical positions in their head office. However, they required a college or university level of completion, and I had nothing close to that.
I took some courses on the side to show them I had some formal education but really relied on FAITH and my ability to communicate with them to acquire the position. This was the beginning of my understanding and realization of the power of effective communication skills.
(Lesson #2: Every problem in life can be solved through evolving our communication skills.)
Over the next 10 years, as I worked in corporate, I became obsessed with learning every aspect of the business. From IT to client support, networks, dealing with conflict, understanding finance and reports, and learning about different aspects of corporate life, from procedures to politics, technologies, relationships, and just about everything else I could learn.
I’d work long hours, being the first person to show up and the last to leave the office. I used all my energy in my 20s to master anything I could about building a business.
On the side, I learned sales, marketing, public speaking, and how to communicate better.
I studied people. I observed how they would behave in social and business situations.
I learned the importance of keeping a loving heart even if the business world seemed cold at times.
It was a very deep and reflective time in my life and a time I was very blessed to have been exposed to. I got to know these things at such a granular level that I eventually left my position and started my first business full-time in 2009.
The realization that I wanted to go back to my entrepreneurial roots came as a result of reading two books. Number one was The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. This book taught me that if I wanted to live a happy, fulfilling life and provide massive amounts of contribution to the people around me, I would have to live the vision of my true purpose, or we could say divine will.
This reminded me of the abilities that I saw in myself in 1997 but never took the time and energy to develop. In fact, I put my skills aside and assumed that building a successful business was just a pipe dream.
(Lesson #3: Create your “Now” from the visions of your future.)
The other book that I read was The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris. This book reminded me again that I need to go back and harness the Internet. There was far more opportunity in 2009 than there was in 1997.
I realized that if I only invested enough time researching, implementing, testing, optimizing, and growing, I could go back to doing what I really loved to do, which I was born to do, and that was entrepreneurship.
These two books reminded me to listen to my intuition and take inspired action now.
In 2009, I was 29 and I had all the energy, all the time, all the experience, and all the understanding that I needed to take the leap.
It was hard for me to leave corporate because I wanted to grow and move my way up eventually, into the role of a CEO – maybe not in that organization but perhaps in another.
I’d met some incredible people, had incredible life experiences, and was constantly learning new things.I learned not just about business but also about myself. To me, it was an odyssey into my own mind. I grew rapidly and developed myself up to the point where I’d become a valuable asset for any company that I’d work with.
In the summer of 2009, I officially tendered my resignation to go out and build a business from scratch, offering IT products and services to other businesses.
The first two years were very hard. I had a house that I owned, and I put it up for rent so that I could move to downtown Toronto because there were far more opportunities over there. I realized within a few months that my tenants were very slow in paying the rent and even missed rent payments. This caused me a lot of financial strain.
Let me rewind and add more context to what I’m talking about. In 2004, I realized that I was around $50,000 in debt, which included credit card debt and car loans. It was during that time that I read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and watched the movie “The Secret.”
The book and movie had such a profound impression on me that, within a few short years, I was able to clear out my debt and buy my first house.
Now back to my tenant’s story… It was devastating to realize that I would have to sell my house to make ends meet. I had pretty much burned through most of my bootstrapping capital, and to make matters worse, I was paying a mortgage, including utilities, that I wasn’t getting any money for, plus I was paying rent in Toronto.
I eventually went and sold that house, because I realized that I needed to dedicate 100% of my energy to my business. To do this, I had to let go of anything that was holding me back physically, mentally, and emotionally, and it worked like a charm!
My IT business began to grow and grow fast. I was earning more than ever before in my life and saving a lot because I actually enjoyed living lean, minimal, and flexible.
I remember thinking to myself that when I got to a certain point of success, I was going to buy a Lamborghini. It was something I wanted to do when I started the business. However, when I got to the point, the desire was no longer there. I thought for a second I was being overly lean in spending, but then upon introspection, I realized I was enjoying life in a different way now.
Entrepreneurship seemed to open my mind up to new possibilities for lifestyle.
There is nothing wrong with having an exotic car or house or whatever you want. This was just my experience and I believe everyone knows what is best for them and deserves exactly what they want.
I then expanded by meeting other tech companies, and we started working on deals that would eventually result in them buying out many of my clients, as I felt again in my heart that it was time for the next phase of the journey. This time, it was built on the foundational business-building skills and relationship with my intuition that I developed while running my IT business.
So in 2013, I had reduced all my possessions to living out of a backpack. I did this because I wanted the ultimate freedom. I wanted to travel the world, run another business that was 100% remote (as much of my IT business was in-person support), and experience life in different countries. I then packed up and flew to Europe to travel, enjoy life, and figure out what I wanted to do next.
Reducing my physical possessions also cleared my mind and put my attention on what matters to me the most in my life.
While I was in Europe, I got involved in the world of business and management consulting. I also took the opportunity to start my YouTube channel. As a matter of fact, the first official video was the “Living and working out of a backpack video.”
The video fascinated entrepreneurs and even large business owners, who were curious as to why someone who had gotten to a certain point of success would want to live like this. And thus, from the fascination and experiences I shared via the videos came many business deals and referrals for my consulting practice.
The consulting practise grew more profitable than my IT business and faster, but like with it, I lost interest at a certain point in 2019 while something also was happening to my surprise and delight…
My YouTube channel, which was more of a passion project, started to grow fast and I would get many inquiries for training based on my knowledge and experience. I started redirecting my energy to teaching my entrepreneurial knowledge and experiences that contributed to revealing my financial, life and love freedom.
My last client of the nature of services I was offering before I transitioned was The Abraham Group, in which I was involved with management consulting services and some program parternships.
This was a delightful experience for me, in which I enjoyed 2 years in Los Angeles working closely with their organization to support Jay’s efforts and programs.
Since 2008, Jay has been someone I’ve always wanted to learn from, it was an entrepreneurs dream come true to have the opportunity. He is a true marketing and business genius, and it was a remarkable, life-transforming experience.
I eventually launched my training programs. I have 5 of them today, I still do some consulting here and there, joint-ventures, and group trainings and the journey continues into the next phase. Right now I absolutely love making my videos and building relationships with others that I meet from my channel, including you. Your commitment to your dreams means a lot to me and something that I am honoured to be a part of through my current services.
As everything grows, I am finding even more nuances as to what I want to do and how I want to do it, and I find it is all becoming a reality easier and faster than ever before because of one word… INTUITION!
I just follow my heart and intuition and everything works out and I trust fully that this will be the same for you.
In the earlier stages of my journey, this would not make any sense at all. Now it is perfectly clear and so it makes further sense now to the point that my purpose is to also bring others back into their inherent intuitive relationship via my YouTube channel. So much fun
I always say now… You can have what you want, how you want, with joy, bliss, and ease. Having brought myself to this realization via experience from where I started, I know you can do the same.
Throughout the process of working in corporate for 10 years, building my IT business to 50+ clients from 2009-2013, consulting with thousands of businesses in hundreds of industries as a business/management consultant from 2013 to 2019, and now having a wildly successful YouTube channel helping millions of people worldwide through my videos, programs, and trainings, I’ve learned the importance of imagination, focus, flow, optimization, relationships, and many other important components that I now have embedded in my subconscious identity.
These are aspects that I can call upon with command to tackle any “seeming” problem that I have, not just in business but in any area of my life. I know that by using the information I share and applying what you learn from it, you can encourage and develop these inherent attributes in yourself. (and have a ton of fun in the process).
For a quick recap,
- The world of entrepreneurship comes with exciting adventures and rapid self-realization.
- The first moments may be hard, but if you can stay faithful, you will self-correct and things will start to make sense. Eventually, it will become crystal clear.
- This may not be the path that many people take in life, but it is very rewarding because of what you create and who you become as you develop the power of the mind, intuition connection, and faith in your imagination.
If entrepreneurship stimulates your interest and lifts your spirits, then I’d like to share with you a quote…
It is the most inspirational quote I’ve ever read, realized, or meditated upon in my life. This is a quote from Steve Jobs, which was extracted from his Stanford commencement speech, shortly prior to his passing away.
Read it over and over again… Allow the magnitude of wisdom contained within to guide you to your heart’s desire and facilitate the necessary insights and perspectives that reveal your greatness via intuition.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs
If you have learned, to a certain degree, my modus-operandi and if you feel that we are a synchronistic match, I’d like to invite you to join my email mailing list to gain access to my mind maps, event/product/service notifications, and other content that I do not release anywhere else.
I trust that you will forever cherish what I share and benefit greatly as you too share it and further build upon it by spreading it to all that you come across in message, service, energy, and spirit.
To your visions realized,