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Day 20: The Reason Why I Have Not Been Posting Any Pictures Lately

I woke up today at 5am after the long adventures in Cozumel yesterday. Immediately after awakening, I checked my stuff to make sure that nothing got lost during the adventure. My wallet, IDs, credit card and and my iPhone. I pulled all my things out of my backpack and threw them on the bed. Those margaritas from last night were so strong that I didn’t even bother unpacking everything when I got home. I grabbed my wallet, IDs and my credit card, but I couldn’t find my iPhone. I spent the next half hour tracking the path during my walk from the cab to my room, looking for the phone. I lost it! The iPhone was gone.

I must have forgotten it in the cab or the ferry. My photos, the videos I took in Cozumel and 3 days of pictures for the blog were all gone. My contacts and everything else on the phone was backed up so that was all good. I laid down in the hammock and took a deep breath to start the planning on getting a replacement phone. After looking at all my options, I remembered that Andrea was on her way to Mexico on the 24th. Andrea is a client and a friend of mine from Toronto, Canada. She was inspired by the blog and felt like coming down here to share in the magic of Playa Del Carmen. I made some calls and all the arrangements. Andrea was now going to pick up my new iPhone from the dealer and bring it over on the 24th when she gets here. That is why over the last 3 days, I have not posted any pictures, they are all gone. It’ too bad because I took a lot of pictures in Cozumel. Oh well, stuff happens…

I grabbed some breakfast at Jugolandia and then headed over to Chef Alexandra’s place. There was a few other things I needed to do and I also needed to call my cell phone provider to make sure that everything will be ready for Andrea to pick up my new iPhone from the store. Chef Alexandra fixed me up another plate of one of her delicious specialties. Even when she cooks for daily eating, it is always in style. After sitting at her place for while, I headed over to meet with Natalia at the bus terminal. Natalia is my friend from Toronto who is visiting because she wants to add some adventure to her life. She also happens to be a very good photographer. I asked if she could give me a photo shoot at some point during my stay here in Mexico and she gladly agreed.

I met Natalia at the bus terminal in Downtown Playa Del Carmen. She seemed excited, yet nervous. This trip of hers was not preplanned and there were no tour guides here to help her. She also needed to figure out her living situation as she had left that open for options. For tonight, I offered her some space in my place. We walked around downtown and I gave her the briefing on Playa Del Carmen. I told her about the places to eat and gave her other relevant information. There is a lot of things you would never figure out when it comes to living in a place like Playa, until you actually come down and do it. I gave her as much of that information as I could.

We headed back to my place as it was starting to get late. I went to bed early as she stayed up and sat on the balcony enjoying the warm Playa night on her laptop. It was a long day for me and I spent a lot of time trying to hustle to get another iPhone as quick as I could. I rely on my iPhone to run my business. It is part of the essential requirements to make my business work. My iPhone, laptop and headset. Without any of them, things will not go smooth. I can rest well knowing that Andrea will be able to bring one with her when she comes. Thank you very much for reading.

Day 19: Cozumel, Snorkeling, Crazy Scooter & Margaritas in The Back of The Tow Truck
Day 21: Build Networks To Make Lifestyle Design Work & El Fogon