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Day 24: El Fogon is great!

Today I am excited for two reasons. Number one, Andrea my client from Toronto is arriving in Playa Del Carmen as a result of being inspired by my blog and number two, she is bringing my new iPhone. As I mentioned in post “Day 20: The Reason Why I Have Not Been Posting Any Pictures Lately “, I lost my iPhone in Cozumel the day prior. I spent “Day 20” sourcing out a new phone and Andrea agreed to bring one over when I finally made all the arrangements.

I am extremely proud of Andrea. She has been making some big moves to take her internet business to the next level. She also wishes to spend a few months in Playa Del Carmen in the future but for now, she is coming for only one week. Thanks to Maria who has been helping people who write to me directly find places to stay, Andrea has her choice of great places to stay at the best prices. She will be staying at Chef Alexandra’s place for two nights and then at Casa De Las Olas for the remainder of her time here.

I spent most of the morning working on Chef Alexandra’s site and eating her delicious meals. I lost a bunch of weight in the first two weeks of being down here and now thanks to her gourmet cooking everyday, I gained it all back. I am naturally skinny so it’s very easy for me to revert back if I don’t eat properly.

At 4pm I got up in the living room and starting talking passionately about something. Thanks to my loud voice which echoed onto the street, Andrea was able to find me. Andrea was actually a little bit lost and my voice served as a compass to guide her to the front door. Chef Alexandra’s place is newly built so it does not have an address that shows up in Google maps. Andrea only had a rough idea where it was.

It was great to see Andrea!

Andrea is the most peaceful person I have ever met in my entire life. She is the daughter of two 1970’s spiritual seeking hippie parents who followed the teachings of Trungpa Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist teacher. She grew up in Trungpa’s community, the Shambhala Buddhist community. Now she is building a rapidly growing internet business and I am proud to be a part of it. In fact my team built her website which includes an ecommerce system, customer relationship management system and other cool features which helps her generate business 24 hours a day. Check it out here at

I highly recommend her services for anyone looking to unlock the powers of meditation. Meditation has been proven scientifically to aid in the functionality of the brain’s ability to process information. It’s one of my personal tools for better performance in business and life. Since I started meditating, my level of mental focus has increased to the point where I can focus on a task for hours on end without hearing any noises around me that could potentially distract me.

There have been instances where people have tried to talk to me while I am in a focused work state, and I did not hear anything they were saying! I mean I REALLY did not hear anything they were saying. I was completely tuned out of the world. Carl Lewis, a famous 100 meter Olympic runner had this ability refined with a razor’s edge. He could tune out the entire audience to wait for the sound of starter pistol. This is why he never false started in his entire career. if you are looking to increase your mental focus, you need to talk to Andrea. A high level of mental focus is required for anyone who wants to take lifestyle design seriously.

Andrea got settled in but she was hungry. She had a long day of traveling without any food, so we all decided to head out to El Fogon. But first she had something for me. She reached into her backpack and pulled it out. My new iPhone 🙂 I was now back to full force! Full force to me is my laptop, headset and iPhone. With the “Magic Trio”, I can do everything I need.

The other day I talked about El Fogon. The best taqueria in Playa Del Carmen, with a extensive menu and amazing prices. I insisted on going to El Fogon today. I even recommended it to Thom and his crew who went yesterday and they loved it. I was craving it and I also wanted Andrea’s first meal here to be the best of Playa Del Carmen when it comes to taquerias so we quickly headed over.

It’s was a quick 5 minute walk from Chef Alexandra’s place. As we approached it, we could smell the mouth watering smell of BBQ. Piche who is a good friend of Chef Alexandra, also joined us. She lives in Mexico City but is down here to visit her boyfriend who owns an art gallery on 5th Avenue. She will be heading back soon in a few days.

Andrea loved her first taste of Playa Del Carmen. We all enjoyed El Fogon as usual. We all headed back to Chef Alexandra’s place. I stayed over because Andrea and I had a meeting first thing in the morning. We have to talk about business growth strategies for 2012 and we decided to hold off on any meeting like this until we were in the magic land of the Mayans. Due to the spiritual nature of Andrea’s business, it made total sense. I am looking forward to tomorrow!

Day 23: The Joys of Live & Work in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
Day 25: The Most Intense Workday Since I Came Here & Tacos Dany