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Day 28: A Tech Startup Running In Playa Del Carmen

Today I have a meeting with Dennis, the head of tech operations, downstairs from Chef Alexandra’s place. I headed over there during the day. We didn’t set a specific time for our meeting but then again, I rarely meet anyone in Playa who sets specific times for meetings. We are all on Playa time here. Meetings happen when they are meant to happen as dictated by the universe. I went over to their place and knocked on the door. A younger man answered it. I asked him if Dennis was available and he explained to me that he was caught up with some urgent matters at the moment. I told them that I would be back in an hour.

I headed over to Jugolandia for my juice. As always, there is nothing like a fresh juice smoothie in the hot afternoon. After hanging around with Gaston for a while, I headed back to meet up with Dennis. Dennis answered the door this time.”Lets walk and talk”, he said to me. I apparently caught him right at the moment when he was leaving. “I have another meeting and it’s about a 20 minute walk away from here, why don’t we talk on the way there”, he continued. I agreed and we were on our way.

Dennis and I began to talk about our work in internet business and technology. I shared with him the details of my love for technology and how since I was a kid, I have always been involved some how with computers. I told him how I was interested in the human brain and how we process information and my views of bridging the gap between technology and humanity. He shared the same passion. In fact, you will rarely find a sustainable and rapidly growing technology company that doesn’t share these views.

Dennis’s company, Reedge is targeting other internet businesses that are generating a certain level of revenues directly from the internet. They are aiming to find solutions on how to track data and to make the transactions even smoother for their customers as well as to provide information and metrics to assisting with business growth decisions. The level that Dennis wants to operate at requires a dedicated team. This is why I saw a bunch of people sitting around as his office with laptops, mining away the other day.

After talking for about 10 minutes,  we established a good rapport and a good level of understanding of where we were each at. At that point, the conversation started to take a turn more into negotiation mode. I was looking for a list of people to connect Dennis with who can possibly become his future clients, employees or partners. We arrived at the cafe where he was meeting the other person and we agreed to keep in touch.

As I walked back, I thought about how my month here in Playa Del Carmen was about to come to an end.  In the process, I have made a number of deals, met other entrepreneurs and set up some partnerships. I don’t really elaborate much in these postings about my business world but as a result of being here, my business has grown.

I made a decision that I was going to wake up early tomorrow and head for Tulum. Jimmy from Casa De Las Olas, invited me over to hang out and stay over. Andrea was also there for one more night before she headed back to Toronto. I also needed to visit the ruins. I needed to go do what Sergio recommended that I do earlier during the month, meditate in the pyramids. I don’t know what the outcome of that will be and I don’t know how I am even going to pull that one off since the government closed off the pyramids to the public in Tulum. I’ll have to figure that out tomorrow. Regardless, I love the magic of this land and I gotta take in as much as I can till I head back to Toronto in a few days. Why not…

Day 27: Internet Business In Playa Del Carmen
Day 29: The Tulum Ruins