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Day 30: My Last Day In Paradise

The sleep on Jimmy’s couch was very comfortable and only a few times in the night did I wake up to the persistent headbutting from his cat. My guess was the cat really didn’t want me on his bed. After waking up, the realization hit me that today was going to be my very last full day here in Mexico. I wasn’t feeling sad, but rather very eager. I was excited to head back to Toronto and get started on the journey of putting together everything that I have learned on this trip.

Jimmy and I talked about the world of business right upon waking up. As you already know, this is an area of my life that I am very passionate about. Having discussions with Jimmy on this area, opens up parts of my brain that have laid dormant. Jimmy has a vast knowledge base on business. You’ll never be able to find this kind of knowledge in any text book, workshop or seminar. Hanging around him is a life transformational experience.

We chatted away and headed to his favourite restaurant in Tulum for some tacos and since we woke up late, this was our breakfast. The restaurant we ate at was the same one Maria took me to back in Day 11 “My First Day In Tulum And At Casa De Las Olas.” I enjoyed my fill of tacos until I couldn’t move anymore. This is my last full day in Mexico so I am going to have to soak up as much of it as I could and this time, in the form of tacos.

We headed over to the Tulum bus stop after our meal. I knew I’d be back to see Jimmy, spend more days in the casas and bring more people along with me who would want to experience exactly what I have experienced here in Mexico. My lifestyle design experiment was almost complete. I felt there was one last lesson to be learned and it was going to unfold today. It’s amazing how intuition works. You just know when something will happen and I felt something big was just about to happen to finish of this trip.

The bus ride back to Playa Del Carmen was reflective. I had to meet up with Chef Alexandra and we had a video to record . She was going to make some avocado gelato and I agreed to film it and put it up on YouTube. The bus dropped me off right beside her house. I walked in her place and we began to set everything up. Video take after video take and goofing around, we finally put together the video. Check it out below…

The best part was getting to eat that amazing gelato in the end. We had converted her dining into an office many times before and today it was a full blown cooking show set. After the fun night of Chef excitement, it was time to pack up all my stuff as the plan was to head out for some drinks. After that, I was going to head to the bus stop for my trip to Cancun airport to fly out at 2am.

I felt like this entire journey of living, learning and running my business in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico had come to an end. This last bit of information provided by my friend Chef Alexandra, was the last bit of information I needed for my journey. I felt complete.

I was now ready to go back to Toronto but not after one last night out with my Mexican best friend Chef Alexandra. We headed out for drinks. Fusion, my favourite beach bar was about to close for the night when they agreed to serve us two strong, killer Margartitas. We enjoyed those and sat outside talking about how we were going to miss each other and how I was going to come back one day. I had a great time here in Mexico, Chef Alexandra had a large part to do with it but now it was time to head to the bus stop. We walked over and proceeded to wait for the bus, poking fun at each other and laughing hysterically at the silliest things till the bus finally showed up. We hugged for one minute and I headed on the bus destined for Cancun Airport.

There was hardly anyone on the bus and for good reason. Who the heck books a flight at 4 am anyways? I do! I needed to make sure I was back in Toronto early to get the keys to my new place. And since I had a connecting flight in Houston, Texas, I had to leave early to get to Toronto on time. The ride back to the airport was very a mental blur and my mind was now on my arrival in Toronto. I sat there planning my tasks for tomorrow. Since I got rid of practically every thing I owned before I left to Mexico on January 1st, 2012, I had to buy everything again. Furniture, food and just about everything else I needed to start my new life in Toronto as a revised man. Since I am flying out at 4am on the 31st, I’ll write about it on tomorrow’s post.

Day 29: The Tulum Ruins
Day 31: In Lak’ech, Ala K’in